There are times where we find that Schoology does not show the exact same grade that Skyward is showing. In essence, Skyward is the “correct” grade calculation because this is where report cards are generated from. However, there are two things you can check to make sure that your grades are appearing the same in both places.
Verify the Categories Are Weighted Properly in the Schoology/Skyward Configuration Screen
Please verify your grade categories are weighted correctly on the Schoology/Skyward Configuration screen.

This is the configuration that maps Schoology and Skyward together. Please verify that the percentages match what is in Skyward. If they percentages do not match, simply correct it on this screen. Remember to scroll to the bottom and Save your changes.
As a reminder for High School teachers, your gradebook should follow the 70% Assessment, 10% Classwork/Homework, and 20% MP Exam weights.
Verify Two Things in the Grade Setup Area of Schoology
There are two things to check in the Grade Setup area of your Schoology course as well. If you click on the Grade Setup button on the left menu within your course, you can double check to see if there weights of your categories line up here as well with what is in Skyward. If they do not, simply change the percentages.

The other thing to check is how the Categories themselves calculate the grades. Schoology by default calculates the grade within each category as a percentage. This should actually be changed to calculate the grade by total points (see below). To make this adjustment, simply click on the name of the category and change the “Calculated By” option to Total Points. This will need to be done for each category. You only need to do this once if you have your sections linked together!

These tips will usually fix any discrepancies between the gradebooks. Please place a ticket if you are still not seeing the same grades calculated!