AI Resources

Artificial Intelligence is taking the world by storm by speeding up the time it takes to analyze, brainstorm, and create new ideas and media. This page is dedicated to AI resourcdes that can be beneficial to you as an educator in your professional and/or personal life. Please understand the terms of use and privacy policy of every program that you create an account with. Never provide any program with personal information or private information about any party related to the Cornwall-Lebanon School District in any prompts or other forms of communication with the AI tools.


Below a quick links to tools that you may find useful. The CLSD allows access to AI tools on the staff network.  As an educator and staff member, you are welcome to find ways to use AI tools to make your lives easier. Students, however, have many AI sites blocked due to concerns with plagiarism, data privacy, and safety/validity of content. Please note that it may still be possible for students to access some forms of AI while using their school devices because it is impossible to prevent access to every new emerging tool that exists.

In order for educators to be able to use AI apps with students (where they would need to create an account), the app/tool must be added to our Supported Tools List. Please fill out the CLSD Request for Approved Apps & Software Survey to begin the process of approval. If the app/tool/software is approved, it will be added to the list and will be made available to students. If the app/tool/software is not approved, the CLSD Technology Services Team will communicate the reasoning with the staff member who submitted the request.


The most common form of AI that exists on the web is the chatbot. You can use the tools below to do a lot of cool things for you by functioning in a chat format. Please be aware that it is not fully understood what these AI tools do with information they collect. As a result, it is always a good idea to think about what information you are sharing with the chatbot and never give any personal or CLSD private information when interacting.

Graphic Creation Tools

The tools below are great for creating/generating graphics with only a few descriptive words. The tools below are currently accessible for free. These could be great alternatives to finding graphics for things that are already owned by another party.

Lesson Planning Tools

Misc Educational Tools