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Making Calls From Your Phone

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  • Post category:Phone / Staff
  • Reading time:3 mins read

A huge advantage to your new Teams phone is just how simplified the process of calling has become. No more hitting “9” to reach an outside line. No more long-distance PIN codes.

Here is how you make various types of calls from a Teams phone:

Making an Internal Call

  • To call a colleague, room, office, etc. you can either look them up in the phone’s directory by name, or …
  • Dial their 10-digit phone number.
    • Note: 4-digit extension dialing no longer works.

Making a Local Call

Enter the full phone number, including area code. (ie. XXX-XXX-XXXX)

  • 🚩 Note: Local phone numbers must have the area code included to complete the call.

Making a Long-distance Call

Just like a local call, simply enter the full phone number, including area code. (ie. XXX-XXX-XXXX)

  • 🚩 Note: A PIN code is no longer required to make long-distance calls.

Making an Emergency Call

Simply dial 9-1-1.

  • 🚩 Note: If emergency services get dialed accidentally, do not hang up! Stay on the line until an operator answers and explain the situation.

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Andy Link

Instructional Technology Specialist - Elementary